welcome to my blog :)

hyep.... :) blog aku ni bkn la ade pape sgt....blog ni juz utk aku luahkn ape yg aku rse n ape yg t'jd hari2 dlm hdup aku....kalo sape2 yg meluat ke ape ke....tayah bce ae....g jwuh2...blog aku, suke hati aku la na tulis ape an...hahak...

The Owner of This BLOG

Sunday, 26 June 2011

What FRENS Supposed To Be

A true friend... 
-shouts if necessary, if you don't want to listen
-explains things you don't understand
-admires all sides of your personality
-makes a difference in your life
-encourages you to try it again
-calls you only to say "hello"
-says nice things about you
-doesn't give up with you
-Accepts you as you are
-calms down your fears
-forgives your mistakes
-offers his/her support
-walks by your side
-tells you the truth
-never judges you
-understands you
 -raises you spirit
-believes in you
-helps you

okay, kt cni na cter ckit la...aku ni tadela rmai sgt kwn...p ade la jgk....yg rpat ngn aku ade 2 owg je....yg laen tu beyse2 je....kwn aku ni bia la aku knlkn sbg A n B je...hehehe...yg A, dye seowg yg agk kasar luaran, tp dalaman baek....dye hormat kwn....dye takan cr gduh ngn kwn sndri wlupn kwn dye dh wt mcm2 kt dye....kre pnyabar jgk la....p kalo skali dye da meletop t, aku tatau la ape jd...hahaha....yg B plak, dye seowg yg lembut luaran, dlaman baek jgk n dye ni jnis manja....aku ni plak jnis yg ckp lps je...kalo aku ta ske, tyme tu jgk aku ckp....so, sory la ae kwn2 ku kalo aku pnh kcikkn hati  kowg ke ape....kdg aku ta seda ape yg aku ckp tu akn wt owg kcik hati....lgpn aku mmg jnis cmtu...ta ske na jge hti owg....cz hati aku sndiri tade owg jge...huhu....p cmne2 pn, kwn2 aku baek owg nyer...ske tlg owg....syg kowg.... :)

AINI SHAARI, my boyfie kazen...ape kne mngene dye dlm ni??
jap, na cter la ni....hahahaha

okay, aku knl dye ni melalui fb sbnrnyer....weyh, ko yg add aku ke aku yg add ko???dh lpe la...hehehehe...p ape2 pn, dr ctu la kami rpat n salu chat....pstu tuka2 no fon, tp ta cntact pn.....hahaha....byk la bnde yg aku kongsi ngn dye ni....rhsia aku pn dye tau...hahaha....dh lme2 ckit, bwu la kteowg ade msg2....n 1st tyme aku dga sore dye tyme aku kol paiz, paiz bg aku ckp ngn dye....lps tu, na tdo pn t'ngiang2 lg sore dye....ahhahaa....lwk tol....dye ni bdn je kcik, p sore besa rpenyer...tu yg cm ta cye je tu....hahak....pstu hari tu blek smnjg, ade jmpe dye...cyap tdo uma dye lg...n dye b'ssh pyah amek aku kt kmpg...hehehe...thx sgt2 taw weyh....n sowy susakn ko....g amek aku, then blek anta mak ko pstu g pd pstu blek umah ko blek....pnt tol....hehehe....p best la cz dpt gk kte jmpe....rse cm mmpi...hahak....pstu g jln2 ngn ko.....best3....bler la lg kte na jmpe ek....hoho....pape pn, syg kau... ;)


best ta blog ni??